Thursday, May 3, 2018

Kick religion out of Africa

Religion, western christian religion I mean, is Africa's biggest problem and as long as Africans continue serving it, Africa has no hope of leaving it's clutches of poverty and corruption.

Just give me a minute and I can explain.

First, it was imposed on our ancestors as a tool of manipulation - and it worked. The West came in with guns in one arm and religion in the other. And we believed them... I mean, why not?
These "white gods" could spew fire from a pipe that could kill in an instant with a loud thunder and lightning from the heavens. Their concoctions would heal a bit faster than our medicine men could. They had metallic snakes (trains) that would go for miles spewing fire and smoke. Their horseless carriages moved with magical powers and musical boxes that gave sweet sounds and music mysteriously.

These beings, the "whites" that is, we superior. They were "gods". And when "gods" tell you this is the way, walk ye in it or else face my wrath. You bow down and accept your humble estate. We did not care how they destroyed our history, our culture, our townships and "cities".

We wanted to be like these "gods" - and unfortunately, we still do. So when they sold us their "religion" of money and an all powerful invisible invincible "god", we took that religion in. And it worked. We now were in perpetual and guaranteed shackles of our mind. Our most powerful weapon was now at their disposal.

And it got better. If you fervently believed in their "god", behaved as expected, served in missionary organisations, you would be given all the goodies, a good education and even a government post. And when you finished, you were also accepted in the sanctum as one of their own - a "god"

Could that be the reason African associate "god" with provision? The cheap relationship of a "god" whose sole purpose is to "punish" and "provide"?

Before the introduction of these weird religion, our social order was functional. We were a closely knit community with defined rules of engagement. Yes, it was not perfect - but what is ever perfect. The fact is, we cared for others and greed had no room.

Second, came the wave in the 1970s of "Pentecostalism" and suddenly, there was a new phenomenon of speaking in strange languages in the name of prayer. It became a club - an exclusive club that alienated others who did not pray in strange tongues.
Don't get me wrong - I am not mocking those who believe in these things. But it would be worthwhile to "look at their fruit" and how it ends. That's what matters - the fruit.

Finally, the 90s came with a final blow of an "ever forgiving", "ever merciful" BUT "ever broke" god who always needs you money. But not to worry, there is a catch. You give him some cash, and he will multiply it and throw it back at ya! WITH INTEREST!  I mean, who would resist such an offer?
And before we knew it, working hard was no longer a virtue. Just give your money to this "god", declare all the goodies you want, claim the goods even and they will come flowing.
This vodoo, this witchcraft interestingly still came from the "white gods" of the west. And we as Africans did not question it. After all, we want to live well, drive "cars we never made" and live in "mansions we never built".

And now, look at us. Africa is a total mess. A cesspit of mostly corrupt individuals and disillusioned subjects. Let's not blame our "leaders" because we who are corrupt only elect people like us.

We have relegated all responsibility to "god". Our children die in dilapidated hospitals, we say it's "god's will". We have no water and sanitation, "god will sustain us". Our roads are impassable, "god will protect us". We get late or no salaries, "god will provide".

But there is hope. The day we wake up and break from the chains of religion and TAKE RESPONSIBILITY, then perhaps Africa has a fighting chance.

I mean, that is what Jesus taught, no?
No wonder He was rejected.